The Mouth-Body Connection

When it comes to our health, we often think of different parts of our body as separate entities. We visit doctors for various issues—cardiologists for heart problems, dermatologists for skin conditions, and dentists for oral health. However, there is a profound connection that exists between our mouth and the rest of our body. Integrative dentistry … Continued

Nitric Oxide and the Oral Microbiome

Many times we think of a clean mouth as a sterile mouth, but we need a proper balance of bacteria in our oral microbiome in order to be healthy and to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is most known for its role in heart health for being a potent vasodilator (keeps your arteries and veins … Continued


At Santa Theresa Smiles we use ozone for cleaning and disinfection purposes. Ozone’s antimicrobial properties make it a good method for sterilizing equipment and disinfecting surfaces in dental settings. What is ozone? Ozone is oxygen with an extra atom. It is chemically unstable or “excited” and carries a negative charge which means it tries to … Continued

Nutrition’s Role in Dental AND Overall Wellness

Nutrition and diet play a crucial role in maintaining optimal oral health and overall well-being. As an integrative dental office, we believe that maintaining overall health and dental health requires looking at the foods we eat because the mouth is the gateway to the entire body and doesn’t exist as a separate entity from the … Continued

What is Airway Dentistry?

You may have heard the term airway dentistry and not know what it means or why it’s being talked about. It is a relatively new topic that focuses on the structure, function and behaviors of the oral cavity (the bite and palate specifically). These areas are related to breathing, speaking, swallowing, and chewing. Airway dentistry … Continued

Are Tongue Ties in Infants Treatable?

Tongue and lip ties are common and treatable! A frenectomy is a safe, easy way to improve oral health. If you’re older and never had your tongue tie removed, it’s never too late. Dr. Oushy and the team perform lots of frenectomies. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

What Is a Biological Dentist?

Dr. Oushy is board-certified by the International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine. Santa Teresa Smiles aims to provide superior holistic dental care to our patients at an affordable price. Come see us in Santa Teresa, NM and El Paso, TX.

What Your Tongue Says About Your Oral Health

Checking your tongue regularly, maintaining a consistent oral healthcare routine, and visiting Santa Teresa Smiles twice a year for thorough cleanings and examinations will help you maintain a sparkling and healthy smile. Call us to schedule preventive care!

Benefits of Using a Custom Fit Nightguard

If you are grinding your teeth at night let Santa Teresa Smiles get you fitted for a custom nightguard. You and your sleep partner will be able to enjoy healthy sleep again. Give us a call to schedule an appointment.

Can the Dentist Treat My Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is much more than just loud snoring. It disrupts your ability to get good sleep, which you need to stay healthy. If you’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, we can help! Contact our Santa Teresa office to set up a consultation today.