Frenuloplasty—What is it and what should I expect?

A frenuloplasty is a surgical procedure that involves the modification or removal of the lingual frenulum, which is a small fold of tissue that connects the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. A restriction of the lingual frenulum (tongue tie) restricts the movement of the tongue and can lead to a

Tongue Ties in Adults—What’s the big deal?

Most people think of children when they think of tongue ties and frenectomies. About 25% of children have a tongue tie. Likewise about 25% of adults also have a tongue tie. Myofunctional Therapy (Myo). Professional Myofunctional Therapists work with patients to help them change the way they use the muscles in and around their mouths. … Continued

Are Tongue Ties in Infants Treatable?

Tongue and lip ties are common and treatable! A frenectomy is a safe, easy way to improve oral health. If you’re older and never had your tongue tie removed, it’s never too late. Dr. Oushy and the team perform lots of frenectomies. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!