Invisalign® Clear Aligner Therapy in Santa Teresa, NM

Many patients wish their teeth could be straighter and more symmetrical but don’t want to spend months or years wearing metal braces. Invisalign solves this problem using a highly advanced clear aligner system. Invisalign clear aligners are comfortable to wear for many hours at a time and are completely removable, which means patients do not have to worry about any food or activity restrictions during treatment. Ready to achieve a straighter smile? Contact our office to schedule your Invisalign consultation today!

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man with straight teeth smiling
woman holding clear aligners

How does Invisalign work?

Patients who want to pursue Invisalign orthodontic treatment will need to attend a consultation so impressions can be taken and their treatment plan can be created. It takes about a week or two for the first set of clear aligners to arrive from the lab, after which patients come in to try on their first aligner, make sure it fits properly, and take their aligners home with them. Invisalign aligners should be worn as often as possible, or around 20 to 22 hours per day. Patients need to visit our office periodically so we can assess their smiles and so they can pick up their next set of clear aligners.

couple with straight teeth

Is Invisalign painful?

Even if you have undergone orthodontic treatment in the past, your teeth are likely not used to being shifted anymore, and there will be an adjustment period at the beginning of your treatment. You can expect some soreness and discomfort, especially during the first few days of wearing a brand new aligner, but it shouldn’t be anything that dental wax and over-the-counter pain medication can’t relieve. We also recommend that patients begin wearing new aligners at night so their teeth can begin to make their initial movements while they are asleep.

girl laughing

Can I wear my aligners only at night?

Some clear aligner brands only require patients to wear their aligners at night, but Invisalign is able to boast quick and efficient treatment times because Invisalign aligners should be worn any time the patient is not eating, drinking something besides water, or brushing their teeth. Once your treatment is complete, our team will create a retainer for you to wear at night to keep your teeth perfectly in place. It’s important to wear your aligners and retainer as directed, otherwise, the teeth can begin moving back to their original positions.

Welcome to the Invisalign Family