Connecting Oral Health to Overall Wellness with Integrative Dentistry

Integrative dentistry, focuses on the intersection of oral health and overall well-being. Dentists who adopt this philosophy go beyond treating teeth and gums to consider the broader connections between oral health, systemic health, and patient lifestyle. This comprehensive perspective offers transformative benefits to both practitioners and patients, redefining the dental experience. Santa Teresa Smiles practices … Continued

Ignoring Oral Health Compromises Gut Health

When addressing gut health, many focus solely on dietary changes, probiotics, and addressing imbalances within the gastrointestinal tract. However, this narrow approach often neglects a key player: oral health. The mouth serves as the entryway to the digestive system and plays an essential role in the health of the gut. Overlooking the oral microbiome can … Continued

5 Signs You May Need Myofunctional Therapy

Myofunctional therapy is a specialized treatment aimed at improving the function of the tongue, mouth, and facial muscles. It addresses a range of issues related to breathing, swallowing, and oral health. If left unaddressed, these issues can lead to long-term health complications. Here are five signs and symptoms that indicate you might benefit from myofunctional … Continued

Mercury Filling Removal the SMART Way: An Integrative Approach to Health and Wellness

As health practitioners recognize the connection of the mouth to overall health, one critical area of concern in integrative dentistry is the presence of mercury amalgam fillings. These “silver” fillings, which have been used for decades, are composed of approximately 50% mercury—a known neurotoxin. For patients seeking to reduce their toxic load and optimize their … Continued

Recognizing the Role of the Jaw in Overall Health

The alignment of the jaw is fundamental to the body’s balance, muscle tension, and even nerve health. A misaligned jaw—whether due to genetics, injury, or dental work—can disrupt muscle harmony and affect the entire body. This article will explore how jaw misalignment impacts posture and can lead to a variety of health problems, including muscle … Continued

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