Nasal Breathing and The Vital Role of Nasal Nitric Oxide

As an integrative airway dental practice, we have seen firsthand the profound impact that proper nasal breathing can have on overall health. Central to this discussion is nasal nitric oxide (nNO), a remarkable molecule produced in the paranasal sinuses and released during nasal breathing. Understanding the importance of nasal nitric oxide can transform our approach … Continued

The Essential Role of Palate Expansion in Children: Enhancing Dental Function and Health

Palate expansion, or palatal expansion, is a crucial orthodontic treatment for children with a narrow upper or lower jaw. From an integrative dental perspective, expansion offers numerous benefits that extend beyond the obvious aesthetic improvements. Understanding the importance of palate expansion in children requires an exploration of the functional benefits and the long-term impacts on … Continued

Integrating Osteopathic Alignment with Dental Care to Improve Patient Outcomes

The interconnectedness of bodily systems is foundational to integrative dentistry. One important partnership is between osteopathic care and dental treatment. This collaboration ensures not only the effectiveness of dental procedures but also promotes overall well-being. Understanding why osteopathic alignment and dental care are interlinked help patients see better results from their dental treatments. The Foundations … Continued

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