TMJ Treatment in West El Paso

Are you experiencing discomfort in your jaw that makes it difficult to chew or speak? TMJ treatment may be the solution for you! TMJ treatment can alleviate aches or pain in and around the jaw, allowing you to enjoy daily activities like chewing and speaking to the full extent. If you have TMD symptoms or wonder if you can benefit from TMJ treatment, contact our office to schedule a TMJ treatment consultation!

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TMJ Treatment FAQs

At Santa Teresa Smiles, TMJ treatment provides patients an opportunity to alleviate pain in temporomandibular joints and gain back jaw function. There are several TMJ treatment methods, like physical therapy or overnight mouthguard and at-home exercises that patients can opt for. However, each TMJ treatment is personalized based on each patient’s comfort, needs, and current TMD symptoms.

TMD refers to temporomandibular disorders. TMD includes the number of issues that impact the TMJ or cause pain in temporomandibular joints. TMD symptoms can vary from mild to extreme. Common TMD symptoms include:

  • Pain & tenderness in the jaw
  • Aching around the ears
  • Pain & difficulty while chewing

When TMD symptoms become severe and impact daily activity like eating, drinking, or sleeping, it’s probably time to consider TMJ treatment. TMJ treatment can alleviate pain and aching around the ear or caused by a lock jaw, making the difference when enjoying daily activities. When left untreated, TMD symptoms will only worsen and could lead to dental issues that have the opportunity to impact a patient’s oral and overall health.

If you’ve been searching for TMJ treatment near me, our skilled staff at Santa Teresa Smiles can help! Contact us to schedule a consultation to begin receiving TMJ treatment in West El Paso!