TMJD Alignment: An Integrative Approach to Jaw Health

Woman holding her jaw and face and in pain.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) is a common condition affecting the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. TMJD can have a significant impact on a person’s overall health due to the interconnected nature of the jaw joint and its association with various bodily functions.

Understanding TMJD Alignment Issues

The temporomandibular joint connects the jawbone to the skull and plays a crucial role in functions like talking, chewing, and swallowing. When this joint becomes misaligned, it can lead to a range of symptoms, including jaw pain, headaches, earaches, and difficulty opening or closing the mouth.

TMJD alignment issues are not solely attributed to dental factors such as a misaligned bite, teeth grinding, airway issues, or tongue tie. Instead, they are seen as interconnected with various aspects of a patient’s health, including posture, stress levels, and overall musculoskeletal balance. In order to treat TMJD, a multifaceted approach is necessary, sometimes including professionals from several areas (sleep, functional, chiropractic, etc) as well as patient buy in to work on themselves to treat the root cause of the TMJD.


Finding the root cause of the TMJD misalignment is key to helping each patient as there are many different aspects that can cause TMJD. Understanding how long the patient has been dealing with issues as well as other factors that can exacerbate the symptoms. Inflammation issues, posture and muscles, airway issues, gut health can all play a role in TMJD and are all things we will look at when assessing you.

While a misaligned bite or teeth grinding (bruxism) can contribute to TMJD, as an integrative dentist we go beyond conventional treatments to address the underlying cause of your TMJD. Some things we will consider are: tongue ties and Frenuloplasty, occlusal adjustments including expansion and orthodontic intervention, Prolotherapy to help rebuild discs, Myofunctional therapy to help you use your muscles and swallow correctly, and custom made dental appliances for bruxism and more.

Muscle Balance

Muscle imbalances and poor posture can contribute to TMJD alignment issues. Integrative dentists collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists and chiropractors and myofunctional therapists, to address these issues. Exercises to strengthen supporting muscles and improve posture can be incorporated into the treatment plan to promote long-term stability. As well as CranioSacral Therapy and Myofunctional Therapy to get your muscles working and moving properly.

Stress Management

Stress is a factor in TMJD, as it often leads to jaw clenching and teeth grinding which can exacerbate symptoms. Integrative dentistry recognizes the mind-body connection and incorporates stress management techniques such as relaxation exercises, meditation, and exercise. These approaches not only alleviate symptoms but also contribute to overall well-being.

Nutritional Support

Nutrition plays a vital role in overall health, and an integrative dentist may consider dietary factors that could contribute to TMJD. Inflammatory foods and nutritional deficiencies can impact jaw joint health. A personalized nutrition plan may be recommended to support the healing process as well as seeing a functional or naturopathic doctor as part of your healing journey.

TMJD alignment issues are complex and multifaceted, requiring an integrative approach that considers the interconnectedness of dental, physical, and emotional well-being. As an integrative dentist, my goal is to provide comprehensive care that not only alleviates symptoms but also promotes long-term stability and improved overall health for my patients. By addressing the root causes of TMJD through a holistic lens, we can enhance the effectiveness of treatment and contribute to the overall well-being of those affected by this common condition.